Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Some pictures

Nothing too exciting today, just a few pictures to share ...

It's a little blurry, but this is Sean's newest nephew - Alexander Winfield Jemley, born June 19. Isn't he precious? I had never seen an actual just-born baby before him ... so teeny tiny!

And this is Alex with Sean this past weekend, at his brother Luke's flag football game. Still pretty teeny. He was so cute and just sat in everyone's lap watching the game the whole time, cool as a cucumber. I guess that sort of comes with the territory when you have three older siblings!

Our cat Joey, who loves to lay around showing off his belly. Joey hides anytime anyone is over to visit, leading some people to doubt his existence, so I thought a picture might be nice.

And this is what my fruit/vegetable bowl looked like yesterday after a trip to the farmer's market. So pretty ... I'm so sad summer's almost over!

That's all folks ... have a wonderful hump day!

1 comment:

  1. Yay - a post - so glad - keep writing. I love my grand-kitty even though I've never met him.
