Friday, September 18, 2009

Also ...

I guess I must be pretty fired up ... never done two posts in one month, let alone two in 48 hours. After finishing the politically themed post yesterday, I read what I think is a really well-written commentary in the Louisville paper by a local doctor regarding the healthcare issue. It's a little long, but very interesting.

A doctor's perspective

While I'm not sure I buy everything he says (Sorry, but I do not believe most doctors work 80-hour weeks. I've had to reschedule appointments too many times because Dr. DowhateverIwant decided he's only working on Wednesday mornings now.) ... I do respect his point. Why should politicians be able to vilify those who've chosen to care for others as a profession, with a highly respectable skill set that they either paid a whole lot of money or went into a whole lot of debt to obtain? They provide a service, and they deserve to be paid for it, and there's nothing wrong with that. Of course, that's oversimplifying a much larger issue, but ... I'm just saying that I hadn't thought about it that way, and I'd be pretty P.O.'d if I were a physician, too.

Lastly ... I saw a statistic yesterday that said 45 percent of physicians say they will consider leaving the profession if the U.S. adopts a system of governemnt-run healthcare. That alone is a good enough reason to abandon it, if you ask me. Even fewer doctors than we have now to care for millions and millions of new patients. Sounds good, right?


  1. Oh what a mess this whole healthcare thing is!! It makes me so angry to even think about let alone talk about. UGH.

    On a side note, I have no idea why you can't follow me....I'm following you and other people follow me. Weird.

    Miss you. Need to talk/see you sometime soon!! :)

  2. OK, I fixed the follow problem...try it. :)
