Friday, March 6, 2009

Welcome to kitsch

As you know since you are here, I've decided to start a blog. Several things have prompted this decision, so I'll just do a quick rundown:

1. Two of my favorite people in the world have blogs that I love to read, and I'm just a little envious. I'm hoping mine will feature half of the laugh-out-loud-in-my-cubicle hilarity of Katie's and the fifteen-exlamation-points-in-a-row enthusiasm of Angela's.
2. I'm pretty lazy about keeping in touch with people. While I talk to my immediate family pretty regularly, it's not as often as I'd like, and there are countless other family members and friends that I don't communicate with nearly often enough. Plus, I am sometimes unsure if my little brother is aware that am, in fact, alive and figured this would be an easy and nag-free way to let him know.
3. I spend pretty much all day, every day reading words and correcting them. One would think being employed in a creative field would lend oneself to actually feeling creative, but the often humdrum repetition of the biggest chunk of my day has the opposite effect on me. I need an outlet!!
4. I must be honest, I have the tiniest glimmer of hope way down deep inside that my blog will become a sensation and I will one day enjoy the spoils of our Web-saturated, constantly connected culture in the form of millions of dollars, a la Perez Hilton. Except that my ascent to stardom will hopefully involve some level of intelligence and actual skill.
5. My boss is out of the office today, and after a while I run out of things to look at on the Internet. :-)

Now to the name ... I thought long and hard for about 10 minutes this morning about what to name my blog. (Patience is not one of my strong points.) This led me to Google a few different things, one of them being fashion terms, during which I came across the definition of kitsch.

Kitsch: A style incorporating elements from popular culture.

I love fashion and am obsessed with popular culture, so that's what I went with. Still not sure if I love it, so it could change. Suggestions are welcome, of course!


  1. Gosh, now I'm never going to be able to get any work done. I am so proud - I was hoping you'd start one too! I love reading things you write! You are such a little smarty-pants! Love you - Waddie the mama

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Caroline! yay you have a blog. OK so i have to admit i often times wonder about my exclamation points. the problem occurs when I'm writing a post- i get really excited over each sentence and as am about to publish the post i re-read what i have written, i say to myself "gee is that too many?" but then when i try to take one away i just can't bring myself to delete the little mark of joy. i wouldn't that statement to be any less enthusiasm filled! :)

    But more importantly i'm really happy im one of your favorite people. and also i'm glad you decided against kitsch- it was a bad word at art school- synonymous for Thomas Kinkaid and bad posters.

    i can't wait to continue reading!
    and in case you were wondering i accidentally posted from Matt's account and deleted it.
