Monday, April 27, 2009

Time to start packing ...

As of today, I am officially back from vacation, and I must say ... it does a body good. A trip to the beach was wayyyyy overdue (I firmly believe in going to the beach at least once a year.), and if there was ever a time when Sean and I need to get away and relax a little, this was it. We were fortunate to go to Destin, Fla. with his parents and stay (for free!) in a timeshare owned by some friends of theirs. I've been to Destin before, but the beach was more beautiful than I remembered it. Plus I was so in need of some relaxation that a trip to the North Pole probably would have done the trick. It's kind of like when you've sworn off sugar and then get a taste of that first cupcake ... it's that much sweeter! A funny thing happens every time I get out of Kentucky (or Tennessee, for that matter) and go somewhere warm and close to the ocean ... I find myself asking why I voluntarily live in a place that is either freezing or raining literally half the year. It never fails that I feel like moving the second I get back to the boring old bluegrass. So, one of these day I just might have to!

Anyway, we had sooo much fun and it was really great to just relax and sit on the beach for hours on end with a good book. On Friday, we visited Seaside, Fla. (about 20 mins. from Destin). I have also been there before, but this visit definitely topped the first one. If you don't know about Seaside, it's one of the coolest places I've seen. It's a planned community (I think one of the first in America), and you honestly feel like you're on a film set when you enter the town. Pastel-colored homes line the cobblestone streets, separated by the most perfect little white picket fences. The cutest shops you have ever seen all sit in a little circle in the middle of the town, and there is an open-air market basically on the beach. SO fun! But the best part was yet to come ...

So, one thing about Seaside that is really cool is that the movie The Truman Show was filmed there. If you've not seen the movie, it's basically about this guy Truman whose whole life has been filmed without him knowing it. They create this perfect little world called Seascape or something like that, with all these perfect people and perfect houses, etc. etc. And that's Seaside ... perfect! So, we were driving past the "Truman House" there on Natchez in Seaside on Friday, and this roofing guy who was doing some work on the house invited us in for a little tour! It was so fun to see all these rooms where they filmed the scenes, and we went home that night and rented the movie and picked out all the things we had just seen! A little corny, but it was fun. And, of course, there was lots of material for some great photos!

The front of the house, and the cute little sign on the cute little picket fence.

Here we have the Truman kitchen and living room. It's hard to tell here, but the tiling on the fireplace and floors perfectly matches every inch of pastel upholstery in that house ... amazing!

The back of the house .... love it!

Lastly, the adorable widow's watch on top of the house, and the view of beautiful Seaside!